Soulfree founder, Preethi Srinivasan was invited to the renowned Mailam Engineering College to motivate and inspire hundreds of students in the college.

“It is truly a privilege to be given the opportunity to visit such a reputed educational institution more than once, and I’m so happy to receive such an honour. Villupuram is one of the backward areas of Tamil Nadu and many students come from financially difficult circumstances and are the first graduates in their families. The tremendous challenge of completing their engineering and taking on the responsibilities of adulthood are quite painful at times. So, by sharing my story I’m able to present them with a new perspective of life that is filled with hope. I hope my example is meaningful and impactful to them.

At the same time, I also take every chance I’m given to raise awareness about the seriousness of spinal-cord injury, so that the youth understand that it is considered by the WHO as the most debilitating condition in the world. It can happen to anyone at any time, has no cure and causes permanent paralysis below the level of injury. Students were urged to follow road safety precautions, like not speaking on the cell phone while riding, to refrain from driving under the influence of alcohol et cetera. I sincerely hope my words and example will have a lasting positive impact on the youngsters’ perspective of life”

Soulfree Brochure

Spinal cord injury knowledge packet

InvitePreethi Srinivasan For motivational speaking