Highlighting Several Key Issues As Well As the Main Objectives of Soulfree

1. Despite the totally debilitating nature of spinal-cord injuries, the government of India does not thus far even consider it a disability. (Blindness, deafness yes, but total paralysis, no)

2. Wheelchair accessibility is pretty much non-existent feature in schools, colleges and government as well as private institutions.

3. Employment

4. Extreme stigma in society especially when it comes to women. Many of them have been forced to commit suicide with the aid of their own family, and I think this, needs to be changed immediately.

5. Lack of awareness in general populace

6. Lack of quality emergency medical care means that people with spinal-cord injuries die within the first few days of injury. Those that don’t, die within the first year after injury because of lack of resources and knowledge of caregivers.

7. These are the real Untouchables –expendables who are not even statistics, because they are hidden by society, treated as burdens and stigmatised by family – and forgotten by the government.

8. There is not even one rehabilitation centre/home that has the facilities to care for a woman with a severe disability like a spinal cord injury in all of India. We have one-sixth of the world’s population, but not even one long-term rehabilitation centre in all of India – it is mind-boggling.

Soulfree’s ultimate goal is to change this and provide a state of the art rehabilitation centre that will house women with severe disabilities that cannot be taken care of by their families as long as they need it. They will also be provided training and skills to ensure that they can use whatever faculties they have to become financially independent. For example, voice-based jobs for those who can only use their voice productively – dubbing artists, audio books, advertising etcetera.

We need the help of everyone – journalists, entrepreneurs, medical staff, caregivers and normal people, to change mindsets in a fundamental way, and pave the path for transformation of our society into an inclusive, tolerant one.

It gives me great pleasure to join this group and share my love and devotion of Yogi Ramsuratkumar with the global family of devotees. My family were long time devotees of Swami Gnananandha Giri of Tapovanam and their marriage happened in his presence in 1970. My father’s first meeting with Yogi Ramsuratkumar happened outside Tapovanam nearly 45 years ago and we’ve had a close association with them ever since.

When I had an accident at the age of 18, Yogi Ramsuratkumar said that I would be all right. I feel that despite the debilitating nature of my condition (I have spinal-cord injury that has left me paralysed below the neck for the last 15 years), Yogi has worked on my spirit and given it the strength it needs to be an instrument of His will.

With this ever present grace and blessings, I’m beginning a public charitable trust called Soulfree (http://www.soulfree.org/) with the hope to create a great impact in the lives of those with severe disabilities, bring awareness about spinal-cord injuries and how to prevent them to the general populace, and create a long-term care facility (there is not even one in all of India) that is equipped to care for and rehabilitate those with severe disabilities, especially women, and help them lead productive lives with dignity and purpose.

Soulfree Employs a Two Pronged Approach towards Fulfilling Its Objectives

I. Prevention
Enlighten – Soulfree aims to expose the plight of the severely disabled in India, especially women so that society can become sensitised to their needs and help us in creating a more inclusive and accessible India.

Anyone who has been in a road accident in India understands that the emergency medical care system we have is extremely poor. Many a time spinal-cord injuries occur after an accident, when the victim is being removed from the vehicle, taken to hospital or soon afterwards.

It is vital that trained emergency medical technicians who are aware of how to stabilise the spine are available soon after an accident, so that spinal-cord injuries can be prevented.

Training programs to the general public of what a spinal cord injury is and how to stabilise the spine after an accident may save lives.

Community support and assistance from corporate houses towards provision of well equipped ambulances with trained emergency medical technicians for immediate assistance after accidents could be vital.

Educate – Awareness is one of the most important tools to prevent future spinal-cord injuries from happening. Therefore, Soulfree aims to spread knowledge of what a spinal cord injury is to every school, college possible and amongst the general public so that people will know the gravity of the condition.

Once everyone realises that all it takes is a moment of misfortune – which a spinal cord injury can happen to anyone at any moment – people will be more amendable to take precautions.
Also, when it is clarified that once a spinal cord injury occurs there is no cure for it anywhere in the world as of now – that it will automatically mean a lifetime in a wheelchair – everyone will be keen to ensure that it does not happen.

II. Rehabilitation

Enable – The plan is to provide a support system for the families of those who have a spinal cord injury from the first moment.

To provide grief counselling, guidance, and all-round support as soon as a spinal-cord injury takes place so that we can ensure that the person gets proper rehabilitation and care every step of the way.

To setup databases so that those with spinal-cord injuries are in touch with many others who are going through the same troubles so that they can share ideas, problems, solutions and have a feeling of community support system.

Support of the community, government, corporate houses and NGOs will be vital in setting up volunteer databases. Volunteer databases could also be created for specialised health like physiotherapists, doctors, nurses, trained caregivers, scribes etcetera.

Empower – Every human being has the inherent right to a basic quality of life with the hope for fulfilment of their dreams and ambitions, including their wishes for education and employment.

The right to live with dignity – As of now, there is no long-term care Centre or live-in centre for women with serious disability all over India. Soulfree’s ultimate goal is to create a long-term facility equipped to care for the severely disabled permanently and train them to have productive employment.

Employment – The ability to be a productive member of society is vital for self-esteem. Soulfree will need community support and help from employers to provide gainful work to those with disabilities.

Education – Laws are already in place making it mandatory for all schools and universities to help those with disabilities educate themselves and fulfil their dreams. However these laws are not being implemented mainly due to indifference. Support from the general public can go a long way towards creating a more inclusive and accessible society for those with severe disabilities.
Wheelchair Accessibility – The ground reality is that a person in a wheelchair is unable to go to schools, colleges, public buildings, restaurants, theatres and into residential areas because of lack of wheelchair accessibility. Simple alterations like ramps and elevators can make the world of the disabled a lot less unfriendly.

Soulfree’s vision is to help those with severe disabilities lead a life of dignity and purpose. Through a two-pronged approach of spreading awareness to prevent future spinal-cord injuries and improving the emergency medical care facilities in India; and building databases to help provide quality medical care, rehabilitation, opportunities in education and employment, Soulfree aims to create a more sensitised, inclusive and wheelchair-friendly India. Soulfree has begun the process of creating awareness by giving talks at schools, colleges and corporate houses, and exposure in the media and donated a wheelchair to a deserving woman.

I wish to convey my joy and gratitude at being able to connect with so many Toastmasters at ENIGMA 2013. It was my pleasure to speak before such a receptive audience, and I feel blessed to have been able to make a positive impact in at least a few lives.

If at all possible, I have a few requests that I would like those of you who feel so inclined to fulfil:
a) FEEDBACK – Please write me a short note on how my talk influenced you. I’d appreciate it if you could add your name, age and designation to your feedback. You can e-mail me at Preethi@soulfree.org or soulfreepreethi@gmail.com
b) SPREAD THE WORD – Please log on to our website (www.soulfree.org) and our Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/soulfreetrust) and like it, if you would spread the word about Soulfree and our objectives amongst your contacts and encourage them to support our cause, I would be extremely grateful.
c) VOLUNTEER – Soulfree is in its infancy and it was established they only out of need, without any resources or expertise to back it. To achieve our objectives and fundamentally change the way the wheelchair-bound are looked upon in India, we need the help of its citizens. Therefore, whether it is in terms of time, resources, or expertise, we humbly urge you to volunteer with us.

Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Preethi Srinivasan

In the field of broken dreams,
Shards of glass lay scattered like blades of grass.
And yet, they are brilliant as the stars; shimmering reflections of something vast and whole
Bursting at the seams with larger purpose, infinitely greater than any individual dreams
The field is set alight with myriad colours of cosmic streams
The path is set for the chosen one, the instrument moulded anew and ready for its role
May the director’s will be served, and the divine enterprise free the soul

Soulfree Brochure

Spinal cord injury knowledge packet

Invite Preethi Srinivasan For motivational speaking