A spinal cord injury can happen to anyone at any time. It causes permanent paralysis below the level of injury and does not have any cure in the world, as of date.

It has been termed by the WHO as the most debilitating disability in the world. However, in India there is neither an awareness about this incredibly serious condition.

So, Soulfree is determined to keep spreading awareness about spinal cord injury, and also to work closely with other NGOs towards setting up rehabilitation centres around India, that are equipped to handle persons with spinal cord injury, especially women.

In this regard, Soulfree is committed to working with Satya Special Schools founder, Chitra Shah ji, who went out of her way to organise a core group of social workers, medical professionals, physiotherapists and philanthropists to learn more about spinal cord injury.

The aim is to make a concerted effort to prevent this condition in the Pondicherry area by raising awareness, and also improve efforts towards rehabilitating and reintegrating persons with spinal cord injury within the community.

Soulfree is committed to working together with Satya Special Schools over the long term in the fulfilment of our goals.

Soulfree Brochure

Spinal cord injury knowledge packet

InvitePreethi Srinivasan For motivational speaking