To raise awareness and bring to the fore the needs of the positively-abled, a grand celebration was conducted at the Government Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, K. K. Nagar, Chennai on 2-3 December 2014. ‘Soulfree’ and ‘Throat Throat Fort த்ரோட் போர்ட் “conquer the world with your voice” had stalls at this event and did valuable work in spreading awareness about the seriousness of spinal cord injury and the need to follow proper safety precautions in order to avoid it.

Soulfree founder, Preethi Srinivasan also had the precious opportunity to meet with the Honourable Health Minister and The Honourable Minister for Social Welfare of Tamil Nadu, and request the need for more Government Support for women with severe disabilities. She also interacted with the inmates at the Centre, young women who have recently been injured and gave them motivation and comfort.

We would especially like to thank our volunteers who have done amazing service and given a great deal of their time and effort for our cause.

Soulfree Brochure

Spinal cord injury knowledge packet

InvitePreethi Srinivasan For motivational speaking