Soulfree founder Preethi Srinivasan was chosen as the “Inspirational Woman of the Year” at the Raindropss Women Achiever Awards 2014 held in Chennai on March 9, 2014.

It was a great honour and privilege to be recognised on the same stage as great people like Chitra Ji and Padma Subrahmanyam Ji. Preethi and Soulfree are more motivated than ever to spread the word about spinal-cord injury and provide a life of dignity and purpose to the severely disabled, especially women. The work has just begun, and with everybody support, there is a long way to go…

“I went there as the face of an invisible section of society, and I feel that recognition given to me is recognition for all those people who are imprisoned in their own bodies and homes. I’m not a person, but a spark that can ignite a revolution in the way wheelchair users are viewed in society. If this purpose is served, I would consider my life is meaningful.”

Soulfree Brochure

Spinal cord injury knowledge packet

InvitePreethi Srinivasan For motivational speaking