Most people with severe disabilities, both men and women, are much too often depressed, resigned to remaining indoors, alone and lonely.

Over time, Preethi has understood the value of connecting with other wheelchair users and assist them in connecting with each other, so that they can share their stories, struggles and challenges.

Expanding her horizons, she found great joy in meeting with Nincy, a paraplegic in Trivandrum, Kerala and Swarna Latha, the founder of Swarga foundation, wwho was receiving treatment at the Amrita School of Ayurveda, Vallickavu. Women with severe challenges and mobility issues find it very difficult to connect with others in similar situations, so both these meetings were very special.

Connecting people and spreading the message of hope and happiness is and will continue to be one of Soulfree’s key initiatives, that we hope will spread all over India in the future.

Soulfree Brochure

Spinal cord injury knowledge packet

InvitePreethi Srinivasan For motivational speaking